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Arkansas City, Kansas

Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 50 - August/September


Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 50 - August/September


American Red Cross

Great Depression, 1929-1939

Food relief--Kansas



A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from August 4th, 1934 to September 20th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas








Red Cross Volunteers


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Cowley County, Kansas

Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 50 - August/September,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,

Survey of Case Load for August
Tendered County Commission.
Members of the board of county commissioners Monday were handed copies of an estimated summary of the case load for August work relief in Cowley county. The summary shows 1,019 cases will share in a budget of approximately $20,204.80.
Following are the number of cases in each city and the rural districts and the cost for August as tabulated in the poor commissioner’s office:
Winfield (city), 272, $5,618.40; Winfield, (rural), 32, $667.20;
Udall, 27, $512; Burden, 18, $379.20; Dexter, 11, $257.60; Cam-
bridge 12, $278.40; Atlanta, 14, $289.60; New Salem, 1, $20.80;
Wilmot, 1, $25.60; Otto, 1, $20.80; Rock, 4, $92.80; Oxford 1, $19.20; Latham, 1, $12,80. Total $8,194.40.
Arkansas City (city), 523 $10,125.60; Arkansas City, (rural), 73, $1,420.80; Silverdale, 12,$226,80; Geuda Springs, 9, $176; Maple
City, 3, $59.20. Total 620, $120,010.40. Grand totals, 10,019 cases, $20,204.80 cost.—Winfield Courier.
County Relief Office Will Be Moved Today
The federal and county relief offices, located at A street and Adams avenue, will be moved soon The county commissioners and the relief committee met today in Arkansas City to complete arrangements for a suitable location.
It is necessary that more room be had to accommodate the large number of people who receive aid through this office. The sewing rooms, the home acres and county library will all be combined under the one roof. No definite arrangements had been made this
afternoon. 9-6-34
Relief Costs Reach Highest Level in Aug.
Relief costs in Cowley county reached the highest level in history during August, with outlays for the month totaling $35,585.-09, an increase of 28.9 per cent over the $27,594.42 spent in July, it was announced Thursday by L. L. Petticord, county poor commissioner.
Net cost of poor relief in the county from March 1 to September 1 was $87,339.77 of which $50,983.13 was spent in Arkansas City and vicinity and $36,356.64 in Winfield and vicinity, the record shows.
Administration and general conduct expense in August amounted to $3,182.33 and relief on commodity orders amounted to $9,328.30.
Net cash cost to the county for the month was $14,665.52, which includes $6,651.80 in Winfield and vicinity and $8,013.72 in Arkansas City and vicinity.
Federal funds spent in August are listed as follows: Winfield, $9,197.97; Arkansas City, $9,374.70. In July: Winfield, $5,559.65; Arkansas City, $6,683.67. The August increase is 51 per cent.
Local Relief Office Will be Moved To Oriole Building.
------ 9-20-34
That an enormous amount of work is being done by the staff of case workers under County Case Supervisor Mrs. Jesse Miller is shown by the summary of activities for the month of August.
During the month all workers paid 1,608 visits to families. The workers received 4,834 office calls, made 56 telephone calls and wrote a total of 48 letters to families.
In addition to these calls and visits the case workers made 155 reference visits, had 55 office calls on reference matters, made 92 telephone calls and wrote 51 letters, all on reference cases. When persons apply for relief they are asked questions for permanent records. They are obliged to give references to substantiate certain statements and it is one of the duties of the case worker to investigate the reference thoroughly.
During August the county case workers contacted various other relief agencies 16 times, made 16 telephone calls and wrote 17 letters. The relief agencies contacted included the Salvation Army, Red Cross and civic relief agencies.
The amount of time spent in office work by the case workers was 1,541 hours. Time spent in the field totaled 1,244 1-2 hours.
Mrs. Miller stated last Thursday that arrangements have been completed for the removal of the relief offices in Arkansas City from the present location to the building back of the Fifth Avenue hotel formerly occupied by the Oriole lunch room. Permission for the change has been asked of the state relief committee.—Winfield Cour-
You are Invited to make free and full use of this column. We ask only that yon be concise as possible and your name and address accompany your communication. 9-15-34
To The Traveler: Appearing in last evening’s issue of The Traveler was an article entitled “Farm Labor Scarce; Relief System Blamed.” We do not believe there is a word of truth in that article. Not a farmer in the county is that big a fool. The article was written to cause ill feeling between the farmer and the unemployed. Someone is kidding the public. The farmer could have gone upstairs at the postoffice and picked any one of several hundred good farm hands that would be more than glad to escape the slurs and abuse of certain relief workers. It is a ridiculous shame that an article of this kind should appear at this time in our daily newspaper.
Just a vain attempt to stir up friction and strife among an unfortunate people.
We believe the article was written by some disgruntled reactionary political gang who see the handwriting on the wall that in the near future men may have their God-given right to earn their living by the sweat of their brow and to once again enjoy the right of living, liberty and pursuit of happiness, the same as their more fortunate brethren. — (Signed) Unemployed, by Harry Martin, 818 South Seventh street; Frank Gallagher, 426 South E street; W. M. Lininger, 203 North Seventh street; T. C. Howe, 510 East Central avenue.
Will Canvass City for Literature for Needy
A canvass will be made of Arkansas City homes next week for old magazines and books for persons on county relief. The plan, first suggested by Mrs. Jesse Miller, county case supervisor, is being adopted all over the state.
The canvassers here will be C. S. Andrews, Charles Bull, Ed Freeman, Arthur Everly and Wayne Bowman. 8-4-34
Workers Paid $7,271 (9-20-34) Relief workers in Cowley county received $7,271 for the week which ended September 13. This amount was paid to 1,006 relief workers and 14 non-relief workers. The next day will be Saturday, Sept. 22. The payment on that day will amount to approximately $7,000.

Original Format

Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.