Digital Arkansas City

Arkansas City, Kansas

Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 61 - October/November


Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 61 - October/November


American Red Cross

Great Depression, 1929-1939

Food relief--Kansas


A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from October 12th, 1934 to November 12th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas








Red Cross Volunteers


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Cowley County, Kansas

Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 61 - October/November,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 6, 2025,

County May Pay Cash To All Relief Cases
In the further interests of greater economy in county government, the board of county commissioners will consider Monday the advisability of paying cash in as many cases as possible to relief worker instead of issuing grocery orders.
Commissioners Russell Hanna and James Grant in conference Tuesday with County Attorney L. C. Brown expressed the opinion that the present system of issuing grocery orders to relief workers is more expensive to the county than the plan of paying cash. They believe that if the relief workers are paid in cash they will rely upon their own resourcefulness in shopping to their best advantage.
Case Workers In Report On Cowley Relief
The average amount of commodity orders issued by case workers to relief families in Cowley county during the month of October was $2.92 per family, according to figures compiled in the local relief office. This includes all orders written by case workers and is exclusive of federal money used.
The total amount of orders written was $8,386.58. This includes $5,829.18 for groceries, $44.51 for milk, $158.45. for rent, $219.04 for fuel, $1,754.21 for clothing, $4.80 for medicines, and $376.39 for miscellaneous needs.
Government surplus commodities issued during the month included, 7,390 cans of beef stew valued at $67; 13 blankets valued at $13 and 68 bottles of cod-liver oil valued at $34, making a total value of $2,195.
County garden commodities issued included 7,266 pounds,
blackeyed peas, 2,472 pounds
greens, 9,177 pounds sweet potatoes, 6,859 pounds beets, 78 0 pounds carrots, 3,698 pounds
cabbage, 1,727 dozen radishes, 79 pounds cucumbers, 348 pounds melons, six and one-half tons of hay.
Transient cost from September 25 to October 25 was $100.26 or an average of $1.67 per case. There were 60 cases in the county and 94 persons. There were 9 8 interviewers with these persons.
850 On Work Relief
Eight hundred and fifty people, including 87 women, worked during the week ending Thursday, Oct. 18, on the county work relief program and received therefor the sum of $4,524.25, according to the payroll at the county poor commissioner’s office Saturday. In addition the relief organization paid out $662.64 to non-relief work cases and $321.64 for administration wages and expenses during the week. 10-20-34
On several occasions in the past, relief workers have stated to the commissioners that they could make their money go farther if they were paid in cash and were permitted to select provisions from different stores.
$44,974 Spent in County In October; 12.2 Per Cent Up
Relief expenditures in Cowley county soared on to another new record during October, reaching a total of $44,974.47 an increase of 12.2 per cent over the $40,059.25 spent during September. The outlay for August was $35,585.09.
The cost of distributing the various forms of relief alone amounted to $10,960.81 during the month. Of this sum $6,393.96 went for county administration expense; $472.95 for poor farm administration; $1,604.70 for federal administrative expenses; and $2,498.20 for such miscellaneous administrative items as sub-foreman, cattle buyers, engineers, timekeepers and farm bureau help.
U. S. Spent $35,486
Federal funds spent in the county during October totaled $25,486. The net cost to the county was $16,520.68.
Garments from the sewing rooms, vegetables from the county gardens and wood given to relief families were valued at $2,031.28. County farm expense was $837.75, and care extended to transients cost $98.76.
Most to Arkansas City
Relief orders paid during October amounted to $8,512.18 of which $5,768.63 went to Arkansas City and $2,743.55 to Winfield.
Government commodities distributed in the county in October were valued at $1,867.30. They included 7,344 cans of beef stew, 36 mattresses, 63 bottles of cod liver oil and seven blankets.
During the eight months from Mar. 1 to Oct. 31, relief expenditures in the county have totaled $121,152.76, of which $69,559.63 was spent in Arkansas City and vicinity and $51,593.13 in Winfield and vicinity.
Arkansas City Relief
Orders Are Largest

From the Winfield Courier: Available figures in the county relief office in Winfield show that both work and direct relief orders issued on the county for the month of October up to Oct. 24 inclusive, amounted to $6,895.10.
Of the amount of orders issued there were more than two times more orders issued in Arkansas City and the two adjacent townships than were issued in Winfield and the rest of the county put together, the figures reveal.
In Arkansas City and the area including the two adjacent townships the orders issued amounted to $4,720.95 as compared with orders amounting to $2,138.24 issued for Winfield and the rest of the county for the same period of time.
Not only did Arkansas City receive more relief orders but they received five times as much garden truck from the county gardens as did Winfield and the rest of the county. The stated value of the garden produce issued to relief families in Arkansas City was $766.50 as compared with $159.80 worth (estimated) distributed in Winfield and the rest of the county exclusive of two townships near Arkansas City, the figures show.
Arkansas City and Vicinity Gets Lion's Share of Money. --------------------11-8-34
The monthly report of expenditures completed Monday by R. M. Roseberry, accountant, shows an increase of 12.2 per cent in the cost of poor relief, the highest in the history of Cowley county is noted for October. The total cost for the month of October was $44,974.47 as compared with $40,059.25 in September and $35,585.00 in August.
The net cost of poor relief in Cowley county from March 1 to October 31 was $121,152.76. Of this amount $69,559.63 was spent in this city and immediate vicinity and $51,593.13 in Winfield and the remainder of the county. Relief orders paid during October amounted to $8,512.18 of which $5,768.63 went to Arkansas City and $2,743.55 to Winfield.
THE COUNTY sewing room, a branch of the federal relief organization here, moved Thursday morning from 110 East Adams avenue to a room in the Monroe hotel formerly used as a dining room.____11-8-34

Original Format

Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.