Digital Arkansas City

Arkansas City, Kansas

Red Cross Scrapbook 1941: page 8 - January


Red Cross Scrapbook 1941: page 8 - January


A page from the 1941 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas







Red Cross volunteers


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Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1941: page 8 - January,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,

Newly elected and re-elected officials of Cowley county were sworn
Walker, J. a. McDermott and George Bloomenshine, county commissioners.
Frank D. Hott will succeed J. O. Campbell as treasurer in the fall.
Judge J. W. White, of the city court and J. F. Pickens, new marshal of the court, were in Winfield Saturday and took the oath of office. Judge White started Monday on his fourth term as judge of the city court and Pickens succeeds Fred Eaton as marshal.
Notes from the desk of Mrs. Luther Parman, Cowley county chairman of Crippled Children’s Activities.
A fine young chap that has grown up so fast, trying hard to make me understand his appreciation. . . Fingering the lovely gifts from members of the Junior Service League and the Chandler club, then musing, “I’ve always wanted one like this,” he said. . . . Later, his sweet caress as he confided, “You’ll help me thank them both won’t you?”
Maybe this young woman had read the like in stories, but seeing it in real life, how different it was. . . . She also had lingered to chat and to watch the little girl’s excitement as each gift was placed in her lap and later on, to place the packages about the tree. Suddenly out of the house she ran and into the car. Her companion wasn’t ready to leave. Before her the child was crumpled up in her wheel chair. She had been hugging each mysterious package that was delivered to her from the Junior Service League members and her excitement knew no bounds as she watched her friend place each bundle at its most effective slant beneath the lighted Christmas tree. The delicate little frame quivered now with excitement in her effort to say, “Thank them for me,” and her eyes began to search the room for her other visitor.
A bit of reminiscence was upon the woman. It was but a few months back that she had watched this same sweet face, in deep concern and tears, then fearful that she would never again receive the home instruction. She had reached the conclusion quickly when the other children left for school. Her happiness knew no bounds when the League’s visiting teacher arrived. ... It was at Thanksgiving time that someone had questioned her: “And for what are you thankful?” and the answer came quickly, “To have my teacher”. . . . The sponsoring group had cared for her needs lovingly these many years. After all, what a sweet privilege to witness this at Christmas time.
It was a scene that she, was reluctant to leave. ... It was nearing dusk when she reached
befall the handicapped, was now moved by all this. . . . “You would have to be brave and face it like a lot of parents are trying to do,” she answered.
19 Arkansas City Youths to CCC Camp
Walter Gier assistant county welfare director, announced today that 19 CCC enrollees left here Tuesday and were given the oath at Wichita the same day at noon. Tuesday night the boys left for Omaha and will remain there about five days before going to camp.
Boys going from the Arkansas City district were Angel Acosta, Benjamin J. Avery, Marvin W. Beck, Harry D. Brock, Henry L.
Buck, William G. Donelson, Delbert L. Gray, Frederick P. Eacret, Eddie, Hart, Robert K. Jordan, Lawrence P. Osborne, Paul J. Peete, James R. Pearce, Clyde E. Plecker, Edward L. Rose, Clyde A. Russom, Dow Schaffter, Herbert D. Voigtlander, Roy L. Lincoln.
There were 87 boys taken in at Wichita Monday and 90 Tuesday, Gier said. There will be a supplemental enrollment next week, he said.

City’s Iron Lung Fund Nearing $700
The Arkansas City iron lung fund neared $700 today with additional contributions reported. New contributions came from the Junior High P. T. A., Women’s Auxiliary of the International Typographical Union, Pleasant Hour Club and Gingham Girls Club to boost the fund’s total to $692.35.
Greek Fund Mounts
Donations to the Greek Relief fund are mounting daily, Louis Gochis, reported today. Although some pledges for the fund have not been collected, Gochis said he thought there was more than $150 already collected 1-16-41

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