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Arkansas City, Kansas

Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 5 - February


Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 5 - February


American Red Cross

Great Depression, 1929-1939

Relief Efforts—Kansas



A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Red Cross volunteers


Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 5 - February,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,

ABOUT 25 transients have registered for help since the federal government’s plan was started in Arkansas City almost a month ago. The transients are given shelter and food at the Salvation Army hall and are put to work on a CWA project in the municipal park until they have earned enough to pay the cost of keeping them and the transportation to their homes. Five men with no established residence have been sent
to concentration camp at Hutchinson.
FLOUR IS being distributed this week to all families in the Arkansas City district which are on the county relief rolls. A 24-pound sack is given to each family and one-half a sack to single persons. The original restriction of the allotment to selected needy families has been removed. Butter and salt pork also are being passed out this week._________
More Flour For County’s Needy Here Next Week
Another consignment of government flour for distribution to poor families in the Arkansas City district is expected here early next week. The 250 sacks will be given to a list of the most needy families in the city which did not share in the first distribution. The Winfield district will receive 200 of the 24-pound sacks in the consignment.
Almost 500 local families will have shared in the flour allotment when the second distribution is completed. All direct relief families were included in the first distribution of 180 sacks, E. E. Smith, assistant poor commissioner, said. The new list is being prepared by the county case workers.
The last of the present consignment of salt pork and butter was passed out Friday. Cheese, smoked pork and cod liver oil are expected here soon, while additional shipments of the other commodities will be sent later.
The commodities have been distributed here in huge quantities since the plan was started Jan. 18. Mr. Smith announced the following totals: flour, 4,320 pounds; beef, 3,667 pounds, eggs, 57 cases; salt pork, 7,000 pounds; butter, 1,800 pounds; turnips, 500 bushels; and carrots, 80 bushels.
The turnips and carrots were distributed by the county and the other items by the federal government. The county included two bars of soap with each order.
$5,413 For Direct Relief
The amount spent for direct relief in Cowley county during January is $5,413.75, according to the monthly report made by R. B. Froman, assistant poor commissioner, and sent in to Topeka. This amount cared for the needs of 1,335 people, residents of the county, and 30 transients. The cost of the transients to the county was $216, which was worked out.
At the first of the month the county was caring for 283 cases. The number at the close of the month was 387. Eighty-six single residents are on the direct relief list.
The amount spent for food was $4,732.29; for shelter, $34.50; for clothing, $390; for fuel and light, $21.61; for medical care, in the home, $93.42; for household necessities, $10.35; for transportation, $32.85.
Commodity Tickets The report on surplus food commodities distributed for the month showed that 1,018 families had received commodity tickets. The amounts distributed by the county during January are: flour, 4,802 pounds; butter, 1,912 pounds; salt pork, 7,615 pounds; beef, 5,200 pounds; eggs, 2,703 dozen.
Poor Fund Claims
The report of poor fund claims allowed for January 1934, for Cowley county totaled $8,112.42, as turned in to the county clerk’s office Wednesday. The amount spent for provisions was $6,031.-52. Arkansas City received $2,-265.15 for food; Winfield received $2,159.69 and other small towns received $307.45. Household necessities and other items were included in the general provision claims.
The total administration expense was $863.94. The poor farm
cost $727.69, the sewing rooms $272.64. The Arkansas City sew-ing room was operated at a cost of $56.76 to the county and the Winfield sewing room at a cost of $215.88. The total transient service cost the county $216.63, of which Arkansas City received $135.42 and Winfield $81.21.
The report of the cost of direct relief to the county of $5,413.75, given yesterday, was the report required by the state and did not include many of the costs included in the county report.
THERE WERE 1,958 unem-ployed persons from the Arkansas City district registered at the national reemployment office here Wednesday morning. This includes 1,789 men and 169 women.
Taxpayers’ League Votes For Resolution to That Effect
The Cowley County Taxpayers' league went on record Saturday as favoring a county garden project this spring. The resolution favoring the project was adopted after County Commissioner W. F. Walker had explained the conditions existing among the needy of Cowley county.
Mr. Walker said the proposition would be brought before the commissioners at their meeting Monday for consideration. Its approval was considered likely.
Lydick Is Chairman
L. N. Lydick, Winfield, was elected chairman of the Cowley County Taxpayers’ league at its meeting Saturday afternoon in Winfield. Charles M. Baird, Arkansas City, was chosen vice-chairman.
The speakers were State Senator Kirke W. Dale and Representative George Templar, members of the legislature from Cowley county.
Mr. Dale, who described his recent trip to Washington in the interest of the Kansas highway department, predicted that the department would reecive the $22,000,000 loan for which it has applied to the federal government to finance a highway building program. Mr. Dale gave an outline of the bill authorizing the department to apply for the loan.
Mr. Templar reviewed the Boynton and French impeachment trials. He was a member of the board of managers that handled the prosecution in the French case.
Mr. Walker predicted that between 1,000 and 1,200 families would soon be dependent upon county relief as a result of the demobilization of the CWA, which he said had been an invaluable aid in caring for the county’s poor during the winter. He asked for advice regarding the maintenance of the county garden plan this summer. Mr. Walker’s relief program had received the league’s endorsement at a previous meeting.
The county, Mr. Walker revealed, plans to start buying gasoline in tank car lots at Arkansas City, Winfield and Burden at an estimated saving of $5,000 or $6,000 annually.
George Rahn, upon whose farm near Cameron one of last summer’s county gardens was situated, spoke in favor of the plan.