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Arkansas City, Kansas

Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 2 - January/February


Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 2 - January/February


Great Depression, 1929-1939

American Red Cross

Food relief--Kansas


A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from January 18th, 1934 to February 2nd, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas








Red Cross volunteers


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Cowley County, Kansas

Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 2 - January/February,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,

PEACETIME soldiers will no longer be included among those to whom preference is given in selecting CWA employes, according to a bulletin received here Saturday. Only ex-service men who have participated in the World War or the Spanish American War will be included in the first classification. Former members of the national guard and the standing army have been included previously. The order will not affect men already work-
CWA Work Halted
Until Next Friday
----- 1-30-34
Work was halted Tuesday afternoon on all CWA projects in the county with the completion of the restricted working week. Employes have been divided into two shifts, each working 15 hours, this week. The system will be continued when operations are resumed Friday.
Two new major projects will be opened with the start of the next working week. One is the orchard sanitation program, which will call for 120 men from the Arkansas City district, and the other is the city’s road building and landscaping project in River-view cemetery, which will require about 30 workers.
L. L. Petticord, county CWA administrator, has predicted that the civil works program will be maintained on its 15-hour week schedule until at least Feb. 15, regardless of whether congress makes a new appropriation before that time.
Butter, Flour, Eggs
Distributed to Poor
-- 1-30-34
Butter, flour and eggs constitute the federal government’s contribution this week to the pantries of Arkansas City’s needy.
Each of the families on the distribution list is receiving two pounds of butter. The butter is of a standard creamery variety and was purchased through the Cudahy plant in Wichita, E. E. Smith, assistant poor commissioner, said.
Eggs are being given out for the third straight week here, and 180 sacks of flour are being allotted to families selected as the most distressed in the city. The salt pork distribution is being completed.
The county is continuing to distribute the stock of soap remaining from the stores of the old commissary.
TWENTY unemployed Arkansas Cityans have been placed with private employers by the national reemployment office here since Feb. 1. Most of the calls have been for housekeepers and prac- tical nurses, F. M. Edwards, of- fice manager, said Monday. One man, who has had considerable hospital experience, was among the nurses placed. 2-19-34
ON U.S.166 J0B
- 2-1-34
Forty to Fifty Men Will Be Put to Work At Once
Will Provide 8 Months of Labor for Part of Unemployed
All workmen used on the big highway improvement project at Cameron, scheduled to start within the next few days, will be employed from the Arkansas City district.
This policy was announced by Ed L. Hepler, chairman of the county re-employment committee, in a conference Wednesday in Winfield with Floyd M. Edwards, manager of the national re-employment office here.
40-50 Men At Once
From 40 to 50 men will be put to work on the jobs at once, with estimates calling for as many as 150 workers when the operations are in full swing. These jobs have no connection with the county’s CWA quota. The men employed probably will be taken from the civil works ranks, Mr. Edwards said, leaving their vacancies to be filled from the list of registered unemployed.
Work orders on the three bridges at Cameron were received Wednesday by W. D. Guy, resident engineer, at Winfield. The bridges are scheduled to be completed in 160 working days, or about eight months. A 30-hour week has been prescribed as the maximum working period. The men will be paid on the state highway commission’s wage scale.
Contracts for the three bridges total $95,165.23. The earth work on the location, which includes the construction of cuts and fills, will not start until later. It will call for an added expenditure of $40,292.90. This contract was not let with the other three because the total amount of the bids on the four jobs exceeded the $110,-000 available for the work.
The location for the improvements is bounded by Silver creek on the west and Grouse creek on the east. Between are two high hills, divided by a canyon. Highway 166 now curves sharply around the hills, leaving almost square corners at the entrances to the two bridges.
over Creeks and canyon
The new bridges will be constructed over the two creeks and the canyon. A new roadway will cut through the hills and the embankment on the east side of Grouse creek built up so that the highway will cross the entire barrier on a straight east-west course.
The big Grouse creek bridge, to slope toward the east at a grade of four per cent, will be built by Carrothers and Crouch, Kansas City, Mo., at a cost of $63,-646.60. It will be slightly over 410 feet long and will carry a 24-foot roadway. There will be one 95-foot concrete arch, two 75-foot concrete arches and three 50-foot reinforced concrete deck girders.
The Silver creek bridge, to be constructed by J. S. Vance and sons of Parsons, will be 192 feet long, with concrete piers and abutments. The bid was $20,222.-93.
Ezra W. King of Hesston was awarded the contract for bridge No. 1, over the canyon. His bid was $11,295.70. The bridge will he 157 feet long and will include seven 20-foot slab spans and a 24-foot roadway.
CWA Resumes Work After 2-Day Shutdown
The county CWA organization resumed operations Friday morning after a two-day shutdown, with about 375 men starting their 15-hour working week and another 375 due to begin work Monday.
The county’s orchard sanitation program claimed the services of 60 Arkansas City workers on its opening day. Work is being conducted in ten orchards. The improvements consist of cleaning the grounds, trimming the trees and putting them in first-class shape. Eighty men are being employed altogether in each of the two shifts handling the work.
The new city-sponsored projects also were opened Friday. One was the road construction work in Riverview cemetery, which is being conducted with a gang of 15 men, and the other is the city hall refinishing work. Nine painters and one plasterer are being used
- 2-2-34 __________________
ALL CARDS for CWA employees in the county are now being handled through the Winfield reemployment office. The local office will continue taking registrations and investigating complaints received on workers. There were 1,884 registered unemployed in Arkansas City and vicinity Thursday morning, including approximately 740 CWA employes. New registrations are still being received at the rate of about 10 a
day. 1-18-34

Original Format

Newspaper clippings on scrapbook page