Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 8 - February/March
Collection: Red Cross Scrapbook 1934
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 8 - February/March
American Red Cross
Great Depression, 1929-1939
Relief Efforts—Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 8 - February/March,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,
Letter to Miss Brady L. L. Petticord, county poor commissioner, sent the following letter of recommendation to Miss Martha Brady, whose resignation as case worker becomes effective Mar. 15: 3-1-34
“The local civil works committee accepts your resignation, to become effective Mar. 15. 1934. The committee has asked me to con-vey to you their sincere appreciation of the work you have done in the capacity of county case supervisor and wishes there were some way in which they might ex-press more adequately their gratification in your work. The committee has asked me to state further that they entertain the highest esteem for you personally and would welcome the opportunity to work with you again."
The distribution of approximately 3,000 pounds of fresh beef from the federal government’s surplus stocks to needy families in Arkansas City and vicinity was started Tuesday afternoon at the local relief office. The meat is being given to about 350 direct relief and marginal families. The distribution is being made directly from the office instead of through grocery stores.
Cowley county will receive $9,600 from the civil works administration material to use on local projects. Arkansas City was allotted $3,800 of the sum, Winfield $2,600, Dexter $90, Burden 100, Atlanta $75, Cambridge $55 and Geuda Springs $35. The remaining $2,770 is for use on projects outside of the cities. This is the first instance in which the CWA has allowed funds for the purchase of materials in the county. 2-27-34
THE RESIGNATION of Miss Martha Brady, county case supervisor, was accepted Tuesday by the Cowley county emergency relief committee and the board of county commissioners. The resignation becomes effective Mar. 15. The committee has recommended both of the county’s assistant case workers, Mrs. Alice King of Arkansas City and Mrs. Louise Steinberg of Winfield, to the state federal emergency relief office for the position.
Four more Arkansas City CWA employes have left their jobs voluntarily during the last two days to take work with private employers, F. M. Edwards, manager of the national reemployment office here, said Friday. Twenty-three men have left the local CWA organization for other jobs this month, the office report shows. 2-23-34
Employment Is
On the Upgrade
Last Few Weeks
- 2-21-34
Employment conditions in the Arkansas City district have shown a slow but marked upturn during the last few weeks, F. M. Edwards, manager of the national reemployment office here, said Wednesday.
More CWA employes have voluntarily left the organization for jobs with private employers during the last three weeks than at any time since the civil works program was started last November. Six resignations were received last week.
The reemployment office also has been receiving an increasing number of requests for temporary or permanent workers recently, Mr. Edwards said. Most of the calls are for housekeepers and farm laborers. Unemployed women who wish jobs as housekeepers were asked to register at the reemployment office at once, as some difficulty is being experienced in filling the demand for this type of work. About 15 housekeepers have been placed this month, Mr. Edwards said.
Duties Are Outlined by Administrator
Employes in the Cowley county CWA administrative offices have been assigned to new duties by County Administrator L. L. Petticord. A list of the various employes and their new positions follows:
Certifying officer, Jack Miller; assistant, Marjorie Wheeler. Injury clerk, Paul Fralic; assistant, Eva Compton. Safety supervisor, Wayne Lambert; assistant, Paul Fralic. Investigator of complaints, Leland White. Accountant, Paul Fralic; assistants, Eva Compton and Evelyn Martin.
Assignment officer, James Page; assistant, Martha Robinson. Office timekeeper, Roland Stewart; assistants, Joe Collins, Roy Dry, M. C. Baker, C. Englis and F. Englis. Payroll clerks, R. M. Roseberry, L. J. Bennett and Pete Kininmonth; assistant, Marybell Rose. Personnel clerks, L. J. Bennett, Pete Kininmonth and Charles Cloud; assistants, Pauline Eaton and Ruby Kowen. Bookkeeper, Iva Shaw; assistants, Evelyn Martin and Eva Compton.
200 Men Will Be Cut from List Friday by Government
Cowley county will lose 200 CWA employes Friday in the first of the nation-wide force reduction moves to affect this area. The county’s new quota was set at 1,036 Tuesday by John G. Stutz, state CWA administrator, in a telegram to L. L. Petticord, county administrator. The old quota was 1,236 workers.
Although no information on the distribution of the withdrawals was available here Tuesday, it is estimated that approximately 120 employes will be dismissed in the Arkansas City district as a 60-40 ratio has been maintained be-
tween the southern and northern halves of the county in spreading the CWA employment.
Demobilize by May 1
Affecting 7,000 men in Kansas and 400,000 in the nation, the reduction is the first major move in Federal Administrator Harry L. Hopkins’ program to demobilize the vast CWA force by May 1, the new closing date for the enterprise. Administrating agencies will attempt to restrict the dismissals to families having other means of support. Those who lose their CWA jobs and still require aid will be placed upon the relief rolls.
Mr. Petticord was instructed to keep 14 men on the rural sanitation program.
Nine Mexicans Taken From CWA Payroll
Because they are not United States citizens, nine Mexicans will be removed from the CWA payroll in Cowley county at the close of the working week Tuesday afternoon, it was announced Monday by L. L. Petticord, county civil works administrator. An investigation disclosed that the men had not been naturalized.
The employes scheduled for removal are Jose Camero, Jose Sabalo, Raphael Anaya, Dioncio Delgado and Juan Selas, Arkansas City; and Pablo Augilar, Max Manriques, Vicente Moreno and Paul Schancez, Winfield.
CWA Payroll
The CWA payroll this week was $9,694.94 for Cowley county. The CWS payroll was $258.45. The number of men employed this week was 1,008, working 114 working days. Number of women employed was 20, putting in 109 working hours. Team and chauffeur hours were 2,405. Twenty-four women and five men were employed on the CWS pro-jects._____________2 - 3 - 34
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 8 - February/March
American Red Cross
Great Depression, 1929-1939
Relief Efforts—Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 8 - February/March,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,
Letter to Miss Brady L. L. Petticord, county poor commissioner, sent the following letter of recommendation to Miss Martha Brady, whose resignation as case worker becomes effective Mar. 15: 3-1-34
“The local civil works committee accepts your resignation, to become effective Mar. 15. 1934. The committee has asked me to con-vey to you their sincere appreciation of the work you have done in the capacity of county case supervisor and wishes there were some way in which they might ex-press more adequately their gratification in your work. The committee has asked me to state further that they entertain the highest esteem for you personally and would welcome the opportunity to work with you again."
The distribution of approximately 3,000 pounds of fresh beef from the federal government’s surplus stocks to needy families in Arkansas City and vicinity was started Tuesday afternoon at the local relief office. The meat is being given to about 350 direct relief and marginal families. The distribution is being made directly from the office instead of through grocery stores.
Cowley county will receive $9,600 from the civil works administration material to use on local projects. Arkansas City was allotted $3,800 of the sum, Winfield $2,600, Dexter $90, Burden 100, Atlanta $75, Cambridge $55 and Geuda Springs $35. The remaining $2,770 is for use on projects outside of the cities. This is the first instance in which the CWA has allowed funds for the purchase of materials in the county. 2-27-34
THE RESIGNATION of Miss Martha Brady, county case supervisor, was accepted Tuesday by the Cowley county emergency relief committee and the board of county commissioners. The resignation becomes effective Mar. 15. The committee has recommended both of the county’s assistant case workers, Mrs. Alice King of Arkansas City and Mrs. Louise Steinberg of Winfield, to the state federal emergency relief office for the position.
Four more Arkansas City CWA employes have left their jobs voluntarily during the last two days to take work with private employers, F. M. Edwards, manager of the national reemployment office here, said Friday. Twenty-three men have left the local CWA organization for other jobs this month, the office report shows. 2-23-34
Employment Is
On the Upgrade
Last Few Weeks
- 2-21-34
Employment conditions in the Arkansas City district have shown a slow but marked upturn during the last few weeks, F. M. Edwards, manager of the national reemployment office here, said Wednesday.
More CWA employes have voluntarily left the organization for jobs with private employers during the last three weeks than at any time since the civil works program was started last November. Six resignations were received last week.
The reemployment office also has been receiving an increasing number of requests for temporary or permanent workers recently, Mr. Edwards said. Most of the calls are for housekeepers and farm laborers. Unemployed women who wish jobs as housekeepers were asked to register at the reemployment office at once, as some difficulty is being experienced in filling the demand for this type of work. About 15 housekeepers have been placed this month, Mr. Edwards said.
Duties Are Outlined by Administrator
Employes in the Cowley county CWA administrative offices have been assigned to new duties by County Administrator L. L. Petticord. A list of the various employes and their new positions follows:
Certifying officer, Jack Miller; assistant, Marjorie Wheeler. Injury clerk, Paul Fralic; assistant, Eva Compton. Safety supervisor, Wayne Lambert; assistant, Paul Fralic. Investigator of complaints, Leland White. Accountant, Paul Fralic; assistants, Eva Compton and Evelyn Martin.
Assignment officer, James Page; assistant, Martha Robinson. Office timekeeper, Roland Stewart; assistants, Joe Collins, Roy Dry, M. C. Baker, C. Englis and F. Englis. Payroll clerks, R. M. Roseberry, L. J. Bennett and Pete Kininmonth; assistant, Marybell Rose. Personnel clerks, L. J. Bennett, Pete Kininmonth and Charles Cloud; assistants, Pauline Eaton and Ruby Kowen. Bookkeeper, Iva Shaw; assistants, Evelyn Martin and Eva Compton.
200 Men Will Be Cut from List Friday by Government
Cowley county will lose 200 CWA employes Friday in the first of the nation-wide force reduction moves to affect this area. The county’s new quota was set at 1,036 Tuesday by John G. Stutz, state CWA administrator, in a telegram to L. L. Petticord, county administrator. The old quota was 1,236 workers.
Although no information on the distribution of the withdrawals was available here Tuesday, it is estimated that approximately 120 employes will be dismissed in the Arkansas City district as a 60-40 ratio has been maintained be-
tween the southern and northern halves of the county in spreading the CWA employment.
Demobilize by May 1
Affecting 7,000 men in Kansas and 400,000 in the nation, the reduction is the first major move in Federal Administrator Harry L. Hopkins’ program to demobilize the vast CWA force by May 1, the new closing date for the enterprise. Administrating agencies will attempt to restrict the dismissals to families having other means of support. Those who lose their CWA jobs and still require aid will be placed upon the relief rolls.
Mr. Petticord was instructed to keep 14 men on the rural sanitation program.
Nine Mexicans Taken From CWA Payroll
Because they are not United States citizens, nine Mexicans will be removed from the CWA payroll in Cowley county at the close of the working week Tuesday afternoon, it was announced Monday by L. L. Petticord, county civil works administrator. An investigation disclosed that the men had not been naturalized.
The employes scheduled for removal are Jose Camero, Jose Sabalo, Raphael Anaya, Dioncio Delgado and Juan Selas, Arkansas City; and Pablo Augilar, Max Manriques, Vicente Moreno and Paul Schancez, Winfield.
CWA Payroll
The CWA payroll this week was $9,694.94 for Cowley county. The CWS payroll was $258.45. The number of men employed this week was 1,008, working 114 working days. Number of women employed was 20, putting in 109 working hours. Team and chauffeur hours were 2,405. Twenty-four women and five men were employed on the CWS pro-jects._____________2 - 3 - 34