Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 41 - June/July
Collection: Red Cross Scrapbook 1934
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 41 - June/July
Great Depression, 1929-1939
American Red Cross
Food relief--Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from June 16th, 1934 to July 4th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Cowley County, Kansas
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 41 - June/July,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 7, 2025,
Relief Costs in Cowley
Continued from Page 1, Col. 3
Certifying Officer, Perry C. Godlove, assisted by Marjorie Wheeler, stenographer, Winfield, Martha Robinson, stenographer, Winfield.
Assignment Clerk and Office Timekeeper, James Page, assisted by Jewel Gilcrease, stenographer, Winfield.
Timekeepers, Raymond Spick-ler, Winfield, Orville Grant, outlying towns, Edward West, Arkansas City, Marvin Baker, Arkansas City, Orville Malcolm, Arkansas City.
Direct Relief Accountant, Federal Commodity Accountant, Transient Relief Accountant, R.
M. Roseberry, assisted by Mary Belle Rose, stenographer, Winfield, Ruby Koewn, stenographer, Arkansas City.
County equipment cost distribution, county material distribution, CWA material distribution, injury clerk, Paul Fralic, assisted by Evelyn Martin, Winfield, L. J. Bennett, Arkansas City, Richard Jones, Winfield, Helen Mickleson, Winfield.
Federal surplus commodity distribution, Pete Kininmonth, assisted by L. J. Bennett, Arkansas City, Orville Grant, Winfield.
Safety supervisor, Wayne Lambert, assisted by Guy Austin, Arkansas City.
Following is a comparative report on relief costs for the last two months:
Winfield Ark City Total
April Cost----------------------$ 4,972.13 $10,351.51 $15,323.64
May Cost------------------------ 7,062.84 10,899.68 17,962.52
Increase------------------------- 2,090.71 548.17 2,638.88
Percent Increase----------------- .42 1/2% .053% .172%
Balance Sheet
Net Cost Mar. 1-June 1 $44,795.40
Garden Labor Acct.____________ 222.40
Trans. Acct. Due from State___ 1,001.08
Current Control Acct.---------- $46,018.88 $46,018.88
Direct Relief Cost_____________$17,962.52
Federal Funds Spent ___________ 10,674.70
County Farm ___________________ 527.56
Transient Cost_________________ 216,68
Total Cost_____________________$29,381.46
Last Month_____________________ 26,502.89
Increase this month_____________$ 2,878.57
Percent Increase________________ .108%
Roosevelt Appoints
National Labor Board
Washington, June 30—(AP)—
President Roosevelt today set up a national labor board under the new industrial disputes act.
The executive order established the board in connection with the department of labor “but not subject to the judicial supervision” of the labor secretary.
The board is composed of three impartial members, receiving a salary of $10,000 a year.
The following members were appointed: Lloyd Garrison of
Wisconsin, chairman; Henry Alvin Millis of Illinois and Edwin S. Smith of Massachusetts.
The existing national labor board, headed by Senator Wagner of New York, is abolished effective July 9. 6-30-34
13 Young Men Apply For Places With CCC
Thirteen young men made CCC applications at the emergency relief office here Tuesday afternoon.
The names of those applying are as follows; Victor Galvin, 621 North Eighth street; Jack Russell Cox, 1201 South K street; Walter Thompson, 924 North Sixth street; R. C. Embry (colored), 618 North D street; Leonard VanBuskirk, 315 South Fifth street; Wednesday Rogers (colored), 517 North E street; Clyde Toms (colored), 120 South Ninth street; William Fotty, 1815 South Second street; David Paul Jordan, 622 South Seventh street; Joseph Lininger, 203 North Seventh street; Richard Asbell, 1600 South Fourth street; Llyod Lazzelle, 707 North F street. 7-4-34
That’s Expense on Basis Of Last Month’s Figures
______ 6-16-34
To give readers a brief outline of relief work in Cowley county a series of questions and answers has been arranged.
Q.—How much is relief costing
Cowley county?
A.—The total cost last month was $29,381.46 or at the rate of approximately $350,000 a year.
Q.—How much of that amount was paid by the federal government?
A—The federal funds spent last month were $10,674.70 leaving the cost to be borne out of local taxes approximately $19,000 or at the rate of approximately $225,000 per year.
Q.—How much money did the county spend for relief back in 1924 to 1928?
A.—The total amount to take care of the county farm and all relief needs used to run less than $40,000 a year.
The Personnel
Q.—What personnel does it take to administer these funds, supervise the work, and decide on those entitled to receive aid?
A.—The funds are administered through the board of county commissioners and the federal emergency relief board, the latter composed of two of the county commissioners, Russell Hanna and James Grant, and A. S. Kin-inmonth of Winfield and R. H. Rhoads and O. S. Stauffer of Arkansas City. The members of the relief committee serve without remuneration, each member paying his own expenses. Under these boards are a county poor commissioner, L. L. Petticord; a county case supervisor, Mrs. Jesse Miller; these case workers in Arkansas City: Mrs. Della Bullard, Mrs. Nathalie Roberts, Miss Ernestine Young and Miss Auline Clifton; in Winfield, W. J. Elwell, Carroll Edwards, Leland White, Mrs. Louise Steinberg, and Miss | Evelyn Ellis.
Other personnel:
Original Format
Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 41 - June/July
Great Depression, 1929-1939
American Red Cross
Food relief--Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from June 16th, 1934 to July 4th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Cowley County, Kansas
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 41 - June/July,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 7, 2025,
Relief Costs in Cowley
Continued from Page 1, Col. 3
Certifying Officer, Perry C. Godlove, assisted by Marjorie Wheeler, stenographer, Winfield, Martha Robinson, stenographer, Winfield.
Assignment Clerk and Office Timekeeper, James Page, assisted by Jewel Gilcrease, stenographer, Winfield.
Timekeepers, Raymond Spick-ler, Winfield, Orville Grant, outlying towns, Edward West, Arkansas City, Marvin Baker, Arkansas City, Orville Malcolm, Arkansas City.
Direct Relief Accountant, Federal Commodity Accountant, Transient Relief Accountant, R.
M. Roseberry, assisted by Mary Belle Rose, stenographer, Winfield, Ruby Koewn, stenographer, Arkansas City.
County equipment cost distribution, county material distribution, CWA material distribution, injury clerk, Paul Fralic, assisted by Evelyn Martin, Winfield, L. J. Bennett, Arkansas City, Richard Jones, Winfield, Helen Mickleson, Winfield.
Federal surplus commodity distribution, Pete Kininmonth, assisted by L. J. Bennett, Arkansas City, Orville Grant, Winfield.
Safety supervisor, Wayne Lambert, assisted by Guy Austin, Arkansas City.
Following is a comparative report on relief costs for the last two months:
Winfield Ark City Total
April Cost----------------------$ 4,972.13 $10,351.51 $15,323.64
May Cost------------------------ 7,062.84 10,899.68 17,962.52
Increase------------------------- 2,090.71 548.17 2,638.88
Percent Increase----------------- .42 1/2% .053% .172%
Balance Sheet
Net Cost Mar. 1-June 1 $44,795.40
Garden Labor Acct.____________ 222.40
Trans. Acct. Due from State___ 1,001.08
Current Control Acct.---------- $46,018.88 $46,018.88
Direct Relief Cost_____________$17,962.52
Federal Funds Spent ___________ 10,674.70
County Farm ___________________ 527.56
Transient Cost_________________ 216,68
Total Cost_____________________$29,381.46
Last Month_____________________ 26,502.89
Increase this month_____________$ 2,878.57
Percent Increase________________ .108%
Roosevelt Appoints
National Labor Board
Washington, June 30—(AP)—
President Roosevelt today set up a national labor board under the new industrial disputes act.
The executive order established the board in connection with the department of labor “but not subject to the judicial supervision” of the labor secretary.
The board is composed of three impartial members, receiving a salary of $10,000 a year.
The following members were appointed: Lloyd Garrison of
Wisconsin, chairman; Henry Alvin Millis of Illinois and Edwin S. Smith of Massachusetts.
The existing national labor board, headed by Senator Wagner of New York, is abolished effective July 9. 6-30-34
13 Young Men Apply For Places With CCC
Thirteen young men made CCC applications at the emergency relief office here Tuesday afternoon.
The names of those applying are as follows; Victor Galvin, 621 North Eighth street; Jack Russell Cox, 1201 South K street; Walter Thompson, 924 North Sixth street; R. C. Embry (colored), 618 North D street; Leonard VanBuskirk, 315 South Fifth street; Wednesday Rogers (colored), 517 North E street; Clyde Toms (colored), 120 South Ninth street; William Fotty, 1815 South Second street; David Paul Jordan, 622 South Seventh street; Joseph Lininger, 203 North Seventh street; Richard Asbell, 1600 South Fourth street; Llyod Lazzelle, 707 North F street. 7-4-34
That’s Expense on Basis Of Last Month’s Figures
______ 6-16-34
To give readers a brief outline of relief work in Cowley county a series of questions and answers has been arranged.
Q.—How much is relief costing
Cowley county?
A.—The total cost last month was $29,381.46 or at the rate of approximately $350,000 a year.
Q.—How much of that amount was paid by the federal government?
A—The federal funds spent last month were $10,674.70 leaving the cost to be borne out of local taxes approximately $19,000 or at the rate of approximately $225,000 per year.
Q.—How much money did the county spend for relief back in 1924 to 1928?
A.—The total amount to take care of the county farm and all relief needs used to run less than $40,000 a year.
The Personnel
Q.—What personnel does it take to administer these funds, supervise the work, and decide on those entitled to receive aid?
A.—The funds are administered through the board of county commissioners and the federal emergency relief board, the latter composed of two of the county commissioners, Russell Hanna and James Grant, and A. S. Kin-inmonth of Winfield and R. H. Rhoads and O. S. Stauffer of Arkansas City. The members of the relief committee serve without remuneration, each member paying his own expenses. Under these boards are a county poor commissioner, L. L. Petticord; a county case supervisor, Mrs. Jesse Miller; these case workers in Arkansas City: Mrs. Della Bullard, Mrs. Nathalie Roberts, Miss Ernestine Young and Miss Auline Clifton; in Winfield, W. J. Elwell, Carroll Edwards, Leland White, Mrs. Louise Steinberg, and Miss | Evelyn Ellis.
Other personnel:
Original Format
Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.