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Arkansas City, Kansas

1934 Red Cross Scrapbook: page 69 - December


1934 Red Cross Scrapbook: page 69 - December


American Red Cross

Great Depression, 1929-1939

Relief Efforts -- Kansas


A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from December 8th, 1934 to December 26th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas








Red Cross Volunteers


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Cowley County, Kansas

Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “1934 Red Cross Scrapbook: page 69 - December,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 21, 2025,

Good Cheer Club Starts Toy Drive
— 12-8-34
A good beginning for a collection, but far from enough toys to take care of the desires of 1,200 needy children, was the result of the opening day of the drive for the Good Cheer club’s party which will be held at the Fifth Avenue theater on the Saturday afternoon before Christmas.
Twenty Boy Scouts led by Scoutmasters Andy Bredenkamp and Wade Willcoxen, gathered at the city building this morning and were sent out in eight cars provided for them by the junior chamber of commerce.
At the end of the morning’s work Earle N. Wright, general chairman, said that he was pleased with the showing but that he wanted “everyone to clear their attics" of toys and gifts of every kind to help bring Christmas to unfortunate children.
Mr. Wright also reiterated that it was possible to repair almost any toy, no matter what its condition, at the fire station, and urged givers either to bring the toys to the station for the firemen to repair, or to call 110 or 238 for a car to come to pick up the gifts.
Mrs. W. R. Ranney made the opening contribution, turning in $10 in cash to Foss Farrar at the Home National Bank Friday afternoon. Other cash gifts are expected within the next few days.
Founded many years ago by the late Elwin Hunt, the Good Cheer club has presented a Christmas party every year for Aransas City children under Mr. Hunt’s direction. After his death last year the club was conducted last Christmas as a memorial to its founder
Arkansas City’s Boy Scout troops will gather old toys to be repaired for distributing at the party Saturday morning. The Scouts will meet at 10 o’clock at the fire station.
Arkansas Cityans were asked to collect their old toys and leave them on their front porches Saturday. The club’s annual Christmas fund has ranged from $150 to $200, R. H. Rhoads said.
It is used to buy the necessary new toys and to purchase candy and fruit for the party.
Leaders in the Community Chest drive will meet late today to plan the resumption of the campaign, Mr. Rhoads announced. About 65 per cent of the needed funds have been raised, he said, with the shortage amounting to about $5,000 The group endorsed several changes in traffic policies under consideration by the city commissioners as explained by City Manager Clyde B. King. These included the painting of traffic lines to replace the center buttons at the downtown intersections, the requirement of a driver in double-pared cars, the abolition of triple-parking and the elimination of used car displays.
More Families Being Adopted for Christmas
Four more adoptions of Arkansas City’s needy families were reported today, bringing the total up to 23. Although there have been a few more inquiries, Red Cross officials are stressing the need for quick action if the remainder are to have a merry Christmas.
This year there are fewer families on the list of those deserving aid. Last year’s group of 70 was adopted without any of the destitute doing without holiday cheer.
Santa Visits 900 Children At Good Cheer Club’s Party
— 12-24-34
An Eager Crowd of Needy Kids Turns Out for
Big Affair
In patched coats and ragged sweaters the eagerest audience that ever filled the seats of the Fifth Avenue theater leaned tensely forward Saturday afternoon.
Santa Claus, whose visit few had had reason to expect, was being brought to them through the work of the Good Cheer club.
It was not if noisily rejoicing crowd of more than 900. The only sound was a low murmuring. When a high school orchestra played two Christmas carols the applause came almost shyly and there was no loud whistling, stamping or yelling. These youngsters were intent on the new and rejuvenated toys and the glisten-
ing cellophane bags filled with candy which occupied the stage.
Twenty-five selected presents stood near the decorated tree at the left side of the stage. Santa accompanied Earle N. Wright, general chairman, to the center of the stage and the lucky numbers from 25 tickets were called.
A gangling Negro boy won first choice and made off clutching a big box containing an electric train, probably one such as he had admired for years in windows. A little tow-head followed him and after some scratching of his head selected a pedal automobile.
True to her feminine instincts the first girl, the third child to be called, made a straight line for a big doll and later she sat for an hour on the steps outside rocking and talking to it. The next little girl took a tricycle.
Good Cheer Club Party Was Financial Success
With a total of $202.29 contributed to the Good Cheer club’s fund for the Christmas party given Saturday at the Fifth Avenue theater there will probably be enough money to pay up all bills, Earle N. Wright, general chairman said today. A few toys were left over and these were turned over to the Salvation Army. If there is any money left it will probably go to the same organization,
“It would be impossible to thank all of the scores of workers who made the party a success,” Mr. Wright said today. “We were late in getting started but everyone came through.”
Additional contributors to the fund whose names have not appeared before are Mrs. P. B. Hanway, 50 cents; S. E. George, $2; Stuber-Nicely, $1; F. E. Kuhn, $1; Beverly and Jo Anne Godfrey, 25 cents; Morgan Wright, $1; and A. H. Leedy, $1.
Good Cheer Club Party Enters Final Stages
The Good Cheer club’s party for poor children was entering the final stages of preparation today, Earle N. Wright, general chairman, said.
Another “painting party” will be held tonight at the Fifth avenue theater, where the toys have been taken, and high school students will help to decorate the tree, sack candy and sort toys.
Under the leadership of J. R. Smith, president, and Dr. R. E. Bays, the Lions club members attended the painting party last night.
It is expected that tonight’s painting will finish up this part of the work and everything will be ready for the start at 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Nearly 1,000 tickets have already been given out to deserving children.
Through an error the contribution of the Junior Current History club was reported as $1 yesterday instead of $3.50. Other givers today included the Entre Nous club, $1; T. H. Doherer, $1; Hypatia Delphine club, $2; a friend, $5; and Carl Helgeson’s conference at the high school, $2.39. The total now stands at $190.54.

Original Format

Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.