Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 74 - November
Collection: Red Cross Scrapbook 1934
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 74 - November
American Red Cross
Great Depression, 1929-1939
Food relief--Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from November 23rd, 1934 to November 28th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross Volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Cowley County, Kansas
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 74 - November,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,
Chest Drive 57 Per Cent of Its Goal
Further Contributions to The Campaign Are Expected
Emphasized That Government Will Not Do The Job
The Community Chest fund stood at $8,619 Friday noon—-only 57 per cent of the way toward the desired goal of $15,055 —but although the campaign was officially over the leaders of the organizations felt confident that all or a substantial amount of the balance would be raised in the next few days as workers complete their canvasses and belated reports come in.
The records show that there are many who have not as yet been called upon, due partly to the bad weather at the outset of the drive, but with the unusually fine spirit of enthusiasm and cooperation shown thus far by the workers the final report should show a considerable gain.
Leaders complimented the teams on their showing. The attendance at each of the luncheons have broken all previous records and the will to succeed in the drive has been apparent.
Dr. Frederick Maier announced that C. B. Tingley, J. G. Mawson, Lloyd Lesh and Ralph Sowden were the four men who had underwritten the daily luncheons.
The Greatest Work
The Rev. Father M. J. Reidy told the workers that they were doing the greatest work that could fall to the lot of man to do.
“I am sorry that we have fallen short of the goal, “said Father Reidy, “but it can still be made. Go forth and finish your task with the conviction that God is with you in it. God loves the poor. I am not sermonizing when I say that. He sent His Son among us, a poor man by birth, in His life and at the time of His death; His closest associates were poor men. There are many now unfortunate, through absolutely no fault of their own, who several years ago gave generously to every worthy cause. It is for such as these and for your God that these tasks must be done.”
Dr. Maier thanked the leaders, the workers, everyone who had assisted in the drive for their unselfish efforts, and urged that they complete their work in the manner they had begun it.
“I have taken part in five Community Chest campaigns,” said R. H. Rhoads, executive secretary of the campaign, “and can honestly say that I have never seen one in which there has been such a united effort.”
Ralph Sowden; president of the Social Service league which sponsors the drive and handles the funds also thanked the personnel of the organization.
“Let us remember,” he said, “that several years ago the Red Cross came into our community at a time of need and left $60,000 behind. We get far more from the Red Cross than we ever give into it. Let us remember as we complete this work that it is a local problem, a personal responsibility; the government is not going to do it. We must.”
Special thanks were given to Mr, Rhoads, Mrs. Richard Bird, his assistant, and other members of the staff who did the bookkeeping for the drive.
Activities of Health Organizations Are Explained
Work accomplished by the Arkansas City department of Kansas Tuberculosis Health association, which is one of the four organizations participating in the present Community Chest campaign, were given by Mrs. Bessie Holmes, city health nurse; Mrs. Fern O’Ban-non, local secretary of the Red Cross society, and Harold Loucks, president of the Arkansas City branch, at the dinner meeting of the Kiwanis club Wednesday night at the Osage.
Mr. Loucks, who is head of the association’s drive here to raise $425 for his organization, gave a short report on the accomplishments of the association in this city, and Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. O’Bannon gave reports of their part of the work carried on for assistance in various ways to underprivileged and crippled children.
Mrs. Holmes gave a report of the work done by the Legionville home and said that 21 Arkansas City children had been cared for there this year, all of whom had gained in health and weight. She also said that those interested in the work of caring for the ill and crippled children should purchase freely of the “little red stamps,” which are the T. B. Christmas seals, the money from which is used to carry on the free clinics and the open air school here.
Begins Early
Mrs. O’Bannon said the local program for the care of undernourished and under-privileged children begins when the children are babies. She cited a number of causes for children being neglected, including the separation of parents, lack of the proper food and physical handicaps. Mrs. O’Bannon said that this year the local physicians, dentists and nurses had operated on 78 tonsil cases, fitted 25 with glasses and that dental work had been done for several hundred children. The committee, headed by Mr. Loucks, she said, had provided milk during the summer for several hundred undernourished children.
Mr. Loucks said, in telling of the campaign for the sale of the Christmas seals, that members of the Kiwanis club had had a leading part in the work of attending the children who could not be properly taken care of by their parents. All civic clubs, the V. F. W., American Legion and United State Spanish War veterans also have done their share, he said.
President Louis Gochis, at the suggestion of the V. F. W., organization, named a committee of three to act on an automobile safety committee, to be composed of members of the various civic organizations. The committee includes C. M. Heathman, the Rev. P. L. Graham and W. C. Bardo. The entire committee will meet Dec. 8 at 7:30, it was announced.
It was decided to change the date of the Christmas party from Dec. 19 to Dec. 17. It will be at the country club.
Guests at the meeting from the Augusta club were Harvey Smith, president; K. L. Grimes, president-elect; D. D. Davis, vice-president-elect; and R. M. Book, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Smith invited the Arkansas City members to attend the Augusta club ladies night dinner and program, to be held Dec. 13.
Kiwanian L. L. Cates who was married recently, presented the members with a box of cigars.
The Community Chest fund today stood at $9,368.35, approximately 62 per cent of the 1935 goal of $15,055. The campaign will be resumed next week in an effort to raise the remaining $5,687.
Original Format
Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 74 - November
American Red Cross
Great Depression, 1929-1939
Food relief--Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from November 23rd, 1934 to November 28th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross Volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Cowley County, Kansas
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 74 - November,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 22, 2025,
Chest Drive 57 Per Cent of Its Goal
Further Contributions to The Campaign Are Expected
Emphasized That Government Will Not Do The Job
The Community Chest fund stood at $8,619 Friday noon—-only 57 per cent of the way toward the desired goal of $15,055 —but although the campaign was officially over the leaders of the organizations felt confident that all or a substantial amount of the balance would be raised in the next few days as workers complete their canvasses and belated reports come in.
The records show that there are many who have not as yet been called upon, due partly to the bad weather at the outset of the drive, but with the unusually fine spirit of enthusiasm and cooperation shown thus far by the workers the final report should show a considerable gain.
Leaders complimented the teams on their showing. The attendance at each of the luncheons have broken all previous records and the will to succeed in the drive has been apparent.
Dr. Frederick Maier announced that C. B. Tingley, J. G. Mawson, Lloyd Lesh and Ralph Sowden were the four men who had underwritten the daily luncheons.
The Greatest Work
The Rev. Father M. J. Reidy told the workers that they were doing the greatest work that could fall to the lot of man to do.
“I am sorry that we have fallen short of the goal, “said Father Reidy, “but it can still be made. Go forth and finish your task with the conviction that God is with you in it. God loves the poor. I am not sermonizing when I say that. He sent His Son among us, a poor man by birth, in His life and at the time of His death; His closest associates were poor men. There are many now unfortunate, through absolutely no fault of their own, who several years ago gave generously to every worthy cause. It is for such as these and for your God that these tasks must be done.”
Dr. Maier thanked the leaders, the workers, everyone who had assisted in the drive for their unselfish efforts, and urged that they complete their work in the manner they had begun it.
“I have taken part in five Community Chest campaigns,” said R. H. Rhoads, executive secretary of the campaign, “and can honestly say that I have never seen one in which there has been such a united effort.”
Ralph Sowden; president of the Social Service league which sponsors the drive and handles the funds also thanked the personnel of the organization.
“Let us remember,” he said, “that several years ago the Red Cross came into our community at a time of need and left $60,000 behind. We get far more from the Red Cross than we ever give into it. Let us remember as we complete this work that it is a local problem, a personal responsibility; the government is not going to do it. We must.”
Special thanks were given to Mr, Rhoads, Mrs. Richard Bird, his assistant, and other members of the staff who did the bookkeeping for the drive.
Activities of Health Organizations Are Explained
Work accomplished by the Arkansas City department of Kansas Tuberculosis Health association, which is one of the four organizations participating in the present Community Chest campaign, were given by Mrs. Bessie Holmes, city health nurse; Mrs. Fern O’Ban-non, local secretary of the Red Cross society, and Harold Loucks, president of the Arkansas City branch, at the dinner meeting of the Kiwanis club Wednesday night at the Osage.
Mr. Loucks, who is head of the association’s drive here to raise $425 for his organization, gave a short report on the accomplishments of the association in this city, and Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. O’Bannon gave reports of their part of the work carried on for assistance in various ways to underprivileged and crippled children.
Mrs. Holmes gave a report of the work done by the Legionville home and said that 21 Arkansas City children had been cared for there this year, all of whom had gained in health and weight. She also said that those interested in the work of caring for the ill and crippled children should purchase freely of the “little red stamps,” which are the T. B. Christmas seals, the money from which is used to carry on the free clinics and the open air school here.
Begins Early
Mrs. O’Bannon said the local program for the care of undernourished and under-privileged children begins when the children are babies. She cited a number of causes for children being neglected, including the separation of parents, lack of the proper food and physical handicaps. Mrs. O’Bannon said that this year the local physicians, dentists and nurses had operated on 78 tonsil cases, fitted 25 with glasses and that dental work had been done for several hundred children. The committee, headed by Mr. Loucks, she said, had provided milk during the summer for several hundred undernourished children.
Mr. Loucks said, in telling of the campaign for the sale of the Christmas seals, that members of the Kiwanis club had had a leading part in the work of attending the children who could not be properly taken care of by their parents. All civic clubs, the V. F. W., American Legion and United State Spanish War veterans also have done their share, he said.
President Louis Gochis, at the suggestion of the V. F. W., organization, named a committee of three to act on an automobile safety committee, to be composed of members of the various civic organizations. The committee includes C. M. Heathman, the Rev. P. L. Graham and W. C. Bardo. The entire committee will meet Dec. 8 at 7:30, it was announced.
It was decided to change the date of the Christmas party from Dec. 19 to Dec. 17. It will be at the country club.
Guests at the meeting from the Augusta club were Harvey Smith, president; K. L. Grimes, president-elect; D. D. Davis, vice-president-elect; and R. M. Book, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Smith invited the Arkansas City members to attend the Augusta club ladies night dinner and program, to be held Dec. 13.
Kiwanian L. L. Cates who was married recently, presented the members with a box of cigars.
The Community Chest fund today stood at $9,368.35, approximately 62 per cent of the 1935 goal of $15,055. The campaign will be resumed next week in an effort to raise the remaining $5,687.
Original Format
Newspaper clippings on scrapbook paper.