Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 17 - March/April
Collection: Red Cross Scrapbook 1934
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 17 - March/April
Great Depression, 1929-1939
American Red Cross
Food relief--Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from January 9th, 1934 to April 28th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Cowley County, Kansas
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 17 - March/April,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 2, 2025,
First Aid Work
Of Red Cross Is
In Busy Period
From Jan. 1 to Apr. 1 the first aid service of the American Red Cross experienced the busiest 90-day period in its history, accord-ing to William M. Baxter, jr., manager of the organization’s mid-western area. This increased activity is the result of a nationwide safety campaign of the CWA in the interest of which the Red Cross extended its complete facilities.
Ingle Stephan taught first aid classes to CWA workers here during March. Thirty-one individuals completed the standard course. Dr. Parker C. Hardin is chairman of life saving division of the Red Cross in this city.
When invited by the CWA in its broad safety program, the Red Cross immediately began marshaling all its first aid forces and soon was establishing new records each week in the numbers being trained in accident prevention work. This training makes it possible for those completing the courses to pass along their knowledge in first aid to tens of thousands of other workers. The joint project swung under way in January and by the last week in March the organization had issued 84,500 text books and awarded first aid certificates to 34,400 individuals. Of these totals, 28,-000 text books were shipped to nearly 600 midwestern area chapters.
Salvation Army Board Has Monthly Meeting
The Salvation Army board met at noon Wednesday at the Osage hotel, with Mrs. A. J. Hunt presiding.
Capt. Leon Geer, in charge of the Army here, made his March report, which showed 55,000 pounds of coke eight pieces of furniture, 43. garments, 20 pairs of shoes, 33 grocery orders, 38 shoe repair jobs and seven jobs for men and women as its contribution in March, in addition to 202 transient meals and 179 transient beds.
The Army had 58 religious meetings, with a total attendance of 1,575.
Lieut. Col. Marpurg, who will start a series of revival meetings at the Salvation Army hall Thursday evening, spoke, and Mrs. Peterson of Winfield sang.
Red Cross Case Worker Makes March Report
The March report for the Red Cross social worker, Mrs. Fern O’Bannon, given at the monthly meeting last week, showed a total of 523 cases on the records for that month including 458 civilian cases and 65 ex-service cases.
Of the total 148 actually received aid. The aid included 257 office interviews, 93 home visits, 17 reference cases and eight miscellaneous cases. Groceries were distributed to seven families, milk to 19 families, bedding from the government Red Cross material to three families; donated bedding to seven families; clothing from the government cloth to 21 families, clothing from the donated supplies to 34 families. Seven tonsillectomies were financed; glasses were provided for five individuals, medical attention was furnished for four; employment to four; transportation to four and small pox vaccine, 100 points, was donated.
$6,837.97 Yet To Be Collected For Community Chest Fund.
Following is a financial report of the Community Chest for the first three months of the year;
Salvation Army, budget, $6,289-.21; paid out, $2,450.00; balance, $3,839.21.
Red Cross, budget, $5,226.40; paid out, $1,385.24; balance, $3,-841.16.
T. B. Health Assn, budget, $425 paid out, none; balance, $425.
Contingent, budget, $1,109.00 paid out, none; balance, $1,100.00
Campaign & Maint. budget $600.00; paid out $229.37; balance, $370.63.
Totals, budget, $13,640.61; paid out, $4,064.61; balancce $8,576.00.
Total pledges, $13,640.61; collections, $6,802.64; uncollected, $6,-837.97.
Collections, $6,802.64; Expenditures, $4,064; cash on hand, $2,-738.03.
Original Format
Newspaper clippings on scrapbook page
Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 17 - March/April
Great Depression, 1929-1939
American Red Cross
Food relief--Kansas
A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from January 9th, 1934 to April 28th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas
Red Cross volunteers
Used with permission of copyright holder. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Cowley County, Kansas
Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 17 - March/April,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 2, 2025,
First Aid Work
Of Red Cross Is
In Busy Period
From Jan. 1 to Apr. 1 the first aid service of the American Red Cross experienced the busiest 90-day period in its history, accord-ing to William M. Baxter, jr., manager of the organization’s mid-western area. This increased activity is the result of a nationwide safety campaign of the CWA in the interest of which the Red Cross extended its complete facilities.
Ingle Stephan taught first aid classes to CWA workers here during March. Thirty-one individuals completed the standard course. Dr. Parker C. Hardin is chairman of life saving division of the Red Cross in this city.
When invited by the CWA in its broad safety program, the Red Cross immediately began marshaling all its first aid forces and soon was establishing new records each week in the numbers being trained in accident prevention work. This training makes it possible for those completing the courses to pass along their knowledge in first aid to tens of thousands of other workers. The joint project swung under way in January and by the last week in March the organization had issued 84,500 text books and awarded first aid certificates to 34,400 individuals. Of these totals, 28,-000 text books were shipped to nearly 600 midwestern area chapters.
Salvation Army Board Has Monthly Meeting
The Salvation Army board met at noon Wednesday at the Osage hotel, with Mrs. A. J. Hunt presiding.
Capt. Leon Geer, in charge of the Army here, made his March report, which showed 55,000 pounds of coke eight pieces of furniture, 43. garments, 20 pairs of shoes, 33 grocery orders, 38 shoe repair jobs and seven jobs for men and women as its contribution in March, in addition to 202 transient meals and 179 transient beds.
The Army had 58 religious meetings, with a total attendance of 1,575.
Lieut. Col. Marpurg, who will start a series of revival meetings at the Salvation Army hall Thursday evening, spoke, and Mrs. Peterson of Winfield sang.
Red Cross Case Worker Makes March Report
The March report for the Red Cross social worker, Mrs. Fern O’Bannon, given at the monthly meeting last week, showed a total of 523 cases on the records for that month including 458 civilian cases and 65 ex-service cases.
Of the total 148 actually received aid. The aid included 257 office interviews, 93 home visits, 17 reference cases and eight miscellaneous cases. Groceries were distributed to seven families, milk to 19 families, bedding from the government Red Cross material to three families; donated bedding to seven families; clothing from the government cloth to 21 families, clothing from the donated supplies to 34 families. Seven tonsillectomies were financed; glasses were provided for five individuals, medical attention was furnished for four; employment to four; transportation to four and small pox vaccine, 100 points, was donated.
$6,837.97 Yet To Be Collected For Community Chest Fund.
Following is a financial report of the Community Chest for the first three months of the year;
Salvation Army, budget, $6,289-.21; paid out, $2,450.00; balance, $3,839.21.
Red Cross, budget, $5,226.40; paid out, $1,385.24; balance, $3,-841.16.
T. B. Health Assn, budget, $425 paid out, none; balance, $425.
Contingent, budget, $1,109.00 paid out, none; balance, $1,100.00
Campaign & Maint. budget $600.00; paid out $229.37; balance, $370.63.
Totals, budget, $13,640.61; paid out, $4,064.61; balancce $8,576.00.
Total pledges, $13,640.61; collections, $6,802.64; uncollected, $6,-837.97.
Collections, $6,802.64; Expenditures, $4,064; cash on hand, $2,-738.03.
Original Format
Newspaper clippings on scrapbook page