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Arkansas City, Kansas

Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 18 - March/April


Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 18 - March/April


Great Depression, 1929-1939

American Red Cross

Food relief--Kansas



A page from the 1934 scrapbook of newspaper clippings from the Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, dated from March 15th, 1934 to April 17th, 1934. The scrapbooks were created by local Red Cross volunteers. Articles during the Depression years covered food and other relief efforts, and documented unemployment issues.


Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas


Arkansas City Public Library, Arkansas City, Kansas







Red Cross volunteers


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Cowley County, Kansas

Arkansas City (Kansas) Traveler, “Red Cross Scrapbook 1934: page 18 - March/April,” Digital Arkansas City, accessed January 3, 2025,

Se-Ku-Chn-Lyr Club. 3-22-34
members of the Se-Ku-Chn-Lyr
club enjoyed the hospitality Sat- urday atfernoon of Mrs. E. K. Childers, who entertained at her beautiful home, 801 North A street. There was a splendid attendance of the members at this meeting. Miss Bess Bloomfield of Winfield, president of the club, conducted the meeting.
At this time the scrapbook and dolls, which the members of the club have made for the entertainment of children who are confined to orthopedic hospitals, were exhibited. The books and dolls were completed at the work meeting held recently in Winfield. Miss Margaret Chandler of Wichita, has been appointed to place the gifts and to see that they are delivered. The members of the club have also furnished material to make dresses for the little girls who are confined to hospital wards.
Miss Helen Martin of Winfield, editor, announced at at this time that all the material is in for the second edition of “Friendly Adventure,” a journal which is published by the club. The club desires the use of a multigraph on which to print the journal. Mrs. Ralph Sowden, one of the local sponsors of the club is the critic for the journal.
Mrs. Hallie Hays of Winfield, secretary of the club, announced that Mrs. Henry Jarvis of Winfield, and Mrs. E. K. Childers and Mrs. Roy Ranney of this city, have become sustaining members of the
club. The members greatly appreciate the interest of Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Childers, and Mrs. Ran-ney in their organization.
At the close of the business meeting Mrs. H. M. Stricklen entertained the club with an enlightening talk on the origin and meaning of names. After her talk Mrs. Stricklen took the name of each member of the club and ana- lyzed it. She told about the orig- in of the names and their meaning.
Concluding the program all of the members of the club joined in singing songs, led by Miss Mary Jack Donaldson. The club plans to have a song fest as part of the program at every meeting.
At the close of a pleasant afternoon’s entertainment Mrs. Childers served delicious refreshments. The St. Patrick motif was carried out in the appointments of the refreshment service.
There were two out-of-town guests at the meeting. They were Miss Mary Brailey and Mrs. Bess Mapes of Wichita.
The members desire to have it known how to pronounce the name of the club. It is C. Q. Chandler.
Will Attend Clinic.
Mrs. Luther E. Parman, who is a member of the board of directors of the Kansas Crippled Children’s society and county chairman of the organization, will go to Harper tomorrow where she will attend a clinic conducted by the State Crippled Children's commission. Mrs. Parman will go to Wellington where she will meet C. Q. Chandler of Wichita, and they will continue the trip together. Mr. Chandler will be the principal speaker at a conference dinner of crippled children's workers to be held Friday night at the Masonic Temple in Harper.
Mrs. Parman To Office In
State Group
— 4-17-34
Mrs. Luther Parman was elected vice-president of the Kansas Society for Crippled Children at the seventh annual meeting Monday in Wichita. C. Q. Chandler was re-elected president, H. G., Hawk of Newton was re-elected vice-president and R. A. Raymond, Wichita, was re-elected executive secretary. (There are two vice-presidents selected each year.)
Mrs. Parman has been a director for several years and when it was decided to elect a woman among the officers she was selected because of her outstanding work with the organization. She was on the afternoon program with a discussion of community problems.
Mrs. Parman, Mrs. Herbert Mil- i ler, Mrs. Lester Holmes, Mrs. H. G. Focht and Mrs. Fern O’Bannon attended from this city. The meeting was reported as one of the most successful ever held. The attendance was large, and the entertainment and program excellent.
The local group attended the group meeting in the afternoon for district and county chairman presided over by Harve Plumb, Wellington.
Approximately 100 persons attended the evening banquet in the ball room of the Allis hotel. C. Q. Chandler was toastmaster. After a musical program addresses were made by Earle W. Evans, Wichita, director of the Kansas Society for Crippled Children and by Senator Henry J. Allen. |
Mrs. Luther Parman Will Address
Society for Crippled Children.
Mrs. Luther E. Parman, who is a director of the Kansas Society for Crippled Children, will take an active part in the seventh annual meeting of the society which will be held Monday, April 16, in the Allis hotel at Wichita. Mrs. Par-man will speak on community problems at the meeting. Mrs. Bessie Holmes, city nurse, and Mrs. Fern O’Bannon, social worker, also plan to attend the meeting. Mrs. Parman also desires that members of the Red Cross, the Nursing association, and the Rotary club attend this meeting.
The meeting will begin at 2 o'clock in the afternoon with a “District and county chairman roundtable meeting,” held in the aviation room of the hotel. Harve Plum of Wellington, will preside.
Following is the program for the meeting:
Part played in crippled children’s program by, District Chairman, Mrs. R. E. Roth, Independence; County Chairman, H. G. Hawk, Newton; Layman, Mrs. Ward McGill, Wichita; County Case Worker, Esther Twente, Topeka.
Practical Application of the Law. —Mrs. Donald Muir, Anthony.
Proper Administration of County Crippled Children’s Levy,—El-wood M. Brooks, Oberlin.
Developing Orthopedic Centers.— Dr. W. M. Batch, Baldwin.
Personal Experiences in Local Crippled Children’s Activities: Conferences, C. A. Beeby, Hays; Clinics, Father Edmund Pusch, Atchison; Community Problems, Mrs. Luther Parman, Arkansas City; Parties, A. H. Gufler, Emporia; Clubs, Miss Helen Martin, Winfield; Membership, William Quir-ing, Wichita.
Fellowship dinner at 6:30 o'clock, Allis' hotel.
Speakers—C. Q. Chandler, Earl Evans, Henry Allen, Victor Murdock.

Original Format

Newspaper clippings on scrapbook page